Scoring a job interview is an exciting and nerve-racking process and interviews conducted over Skype are becoming more and more popular when organizations need to scrutinize the first round of applicants. If you ever face an online Skype interview don’t freak out, as it’s your chance to leave a long-lasting impression!
Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your interview and increase your chances.
Wear appropriate attire.
Dress to impress. Avoid wearing anything distracting including prints or excessive amounts of jewelry – it’ll make it harder for the interviewer to concentrate and focus on the interviewing process. Despite the interview being conducted within the comfort of your home, don’t forget to wear pants…..seriously. Be well groomed and wear professional attire as you would for a normal face to face interview.
It’s all about the background.
Choosing a professional background is crucial for a Skype interview. Firstly tidy up your space! Take precautions and set up in front of a plain wall without a busy background or in a quiet space like the study. Essentially removing any clutter visible behind you, having a natural light illuminating your face, preventing shadows and reducing noise are visual aesthetics contributing to the overall delivery of the interview.
Technology Touch up
Don’t leave it last minute to check if your Skype is up to date. Give yourself time to update the program (if need be), check if your microphone and camera are working, whether your speakers/ volume levels are succinct and ensure that your internet connection is strong enough to reduce any technological mishaps. You don’t want to have an interview with constant glitches and having your face frozen on the employee’s screen (That’s hottt). Total nightmare! By pre-arranging a practice call with your friend you can solve any technical issues as well as taking initiative in being well prepared before your interview commences.
The Digital Handshake
Online interviews do comprise of limitations, including not having the ability to give a strong handshake and look at the interviewer in the eye as you greet them. Grabbing someone’s attention online can be difficult at times with certain barriers limiting your performance. Set your webcam to be at eye height and create distance so hand gestures can be seen. It’s a natural habit to look at yourself and not to the person at the other end while using a software application viewing through a webcam. Holding a poised gaze, a confident smile and simple gestures including a firm nod, enthusiastic hand gestures and appropriate body language are components that will show the interviewer that you are engaged and professional.
Don’t be late
Skype interviews are very convenient not only for organizations with strict schedules but for yourself also! You don’t have to worry about the weather, parking or even the crazy traffic, so make sure you are ready on time!Use these guidelines to be prepared and ace your skype interview like a boss!